I have the idea that in the future to come we might have to leave this coast. The government have the gfirst fifty meter in from the sea that they call Tourist Zone and the next hundred and fifty meter is for the Municipality. You get no title for that land, don’t mind how long you been there. So the government has two hundred meter from the sea in, and they can just do what they feel, can dispossess you of it. So that not looking so good to me for the future. If they want the place, not even a title do you any good. Now is the time that everybody should be holding on to a piece of land. Nobody looking about that. After a while people going to come from outside and develop the place, and people who live here are not going to have any land. We have it now, and the young people don’t want. When they want it they find it going to be too late. All the land will be taken up from outside people.
— Selven Bryant, What Happen (P.271, 2005 edition)
In those days when you go and register the children, the Spaniards, they never know English. Then all those name was English name, and some of the Jamaican people can’t write to write it down. So the judge just write how it sound to him. That why plenty of the people don’t register, because when you send it to the registry, the registry send it back spelled all wrong, and the people just take it and throw it down. Sometime the name you register is not the name your family call you. Lot of mix up, like my name. They spell it Celvin Brayant, but I spell it Selven Bryant. Then they have my name in the registry Brayant Brayant. All the rest of us is Brayant Stevenson because my mother name is Stevenson. But I don’t carry my mother’s name at all through some mistake.
— Selven Bryant, What Happen (P.206, 2005 edition)