Our work relies on the dedication and commitment of volunteers far and wide.
Local residents can collaborate by contributing stories and photographs to the South Caribe Roots Archive, attending workshops and expositions, and helping us with the logistics and documentation of local events. Specific needs will be communicated by social media and our mailing list, so make sure you sign up for the newsletter and follow us on social media.
We also need the help of transcribers and translators to help us transform audio recordings into content that can be read and understood in both English and Spanish. This work can be done from anywhere that has a computer and an internet connection.
We have also worked with students from Northeastern Law School, Santa Clara Law School, and the Kelley School of Business and Media School at Indiana University, as well as assorted short-term professional volunteers from various fields. These service learning projects facilitate cross-cultural knowledge sharing, the collection of local stories through participatory community-based projects, and the production of multimedia archival content for the South Caribe Roots Archive.