IU CLACS Graduate Conference
to Feb 29

IU CLACS Graduate Conference

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Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) Graduate Student Conference

Between Absurdity & Possibility: Envisioning Liberation in an Age of Nonsense

A multi lingual and multi media experience with presentations, workshops and interactive projects in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

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N4 Story Exchange 2018
5:00 PM17:00

N4 Story Exchange 2018

Join the Rich Coast Project and students from Indiana University's Media School for an evening of story sharing. Members of the RCP team will guide a series of facilitated story exchanges based on the method developed by Narrative 4, a nonprofit dedicated to "building a community of empathic global citizens who improve the world through the exchange of personal narratives."

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N4 Story Exchange
4:00 PM16:00

N4 Story Exchange

IU Media School students and members of the Caribe Sur community will join together in a story exchange on November 21. The story exchange is an exercise in which individuals are randomly paired off and each shares a story that in some way defines him or her. Afterwards, each is responsible for telling the other’s story, taking on the persona of his or her partner and telling the story in the first person.

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Dia del Encuentro de las Culturas
12:00 PM12:00

Dia del Encuentro de las Culturas

Cada 12 de Octubre Costa Rica celebra el Día del Encuentro de las Culturas. Esta fiesta celebra el aniversario de primer viaje de Cristóbal Colón a las Américas, y la fusión de diferentes culturas entre Europa y las Américas.

Esta celebración se acompaña de la realización de actividades culturales, en especial encuentros, foros y ferias artesanales dedicadas a los indígenas. El Día de las Culturas celebra y valoriza la condición pluriétnica y multilingüe de que goza la población costarricense y que nos recuerda también el mestizaje. Este Día de las Culturas debe ser motivo de reflexión, pero de una reflexión objetiva y profunda, que marca el punto de partida hacia una nueva actitud, una actitud de mayor tolerancia, de mayor intercambio, de mayor respeto, entre todos los grupos raciales que día con día le dan forma a esta nación.

Every October 12 Costa Rica celebrates the Day of Cultures. This holiday celebrates the anniversary of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the Americas, and the fusion of different cultures between Europe and the Americas.

This celebration is accompanied by cultural activities, special gatherings, and art fairs dedicated to the indigenous communities of Costa Rica. The Day of Cultures celebrates and validates the pluriethnic and multilingual character of the Costa Rican population and reminds us of the mix of cultures. This day should encourage objective and deep reflection, marking a departure point toward a new attitude of greater tolerance, exchange and respect between all racial groups that day to day make up the nation.


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