Upcoming Events
Past Events
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) Graduate Student Conference
Between Absurdity & Possibility: Envisioning Liberation in an Age of Nonsense
A multi lingual and multi media experience with presentations, workshops and interactive projects in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Los voluntarios de RCP grabarán historias del 13 al 15 de marzo de 2018 en Puerto Viejo, Playa Chiquita, Punta Uva y Manzanillo. Puede entrevistar a alguien que conoce, o venir con sus propias historias para ser entrevistado por nuestro equipo.
RCP volunteers will be recording stories from March 13-15, 2018, in Puerto Viejo, Playa Chiquita, Punta Uva and Manzanillo. You can interview someone you know, or come with your own stories to be interviewed by our team.
Join the Rich Coast Project and students from Indiana University's Media School for an evening of story sharing. Members of the RCP team will guide a series of facilitated story exchanges based on the method developed by Narrative 4, a nonprofit dedicated to "building a community of empathic global citizens who improve the world through the exchange of personal narratives."
The Media School at Indiana University will return to Puerto Viejo for the second year to assist the Rich Coast Project in developing multimedia content through participatory storytelling with members of the Caribe Sur community.
a pre-Thanksgiving get together for past, current and future RCP volunteers living in or near Bloomington, Indiana
Aprende cómo ser un reportero local y crea tu propio micro-historia sobre Puerto Viejo. Traiga una cámara o un teléfono inteligente si tiene uno. Vea su historia publicada por Informate Caribe y The Rich Coast Project.
Learn how to be a local reporter and create your own micro story about Puerto Viejo. Bring a camera or smart phone if you have one. See your story published by Informate Caribe and the Rich Coast Project.
PechaKucha Night, now in over 900 cities, is an event for community to meet, network, and show their work and share their ideas in public. The first PechaKucha Night event will arrive in Puerto Viejo on Saturday September 30. Join us for a presentation about the Rich Coast Project by Markus Brown.
Join us at the Hidden Garden for a Story Circle with community elders as they share stories from their lives traditional wellness practices and how their knowledge has helped them survive.
A rotating gallery of photographs will be on display for public view until further notice at Hotel Puerto Viejo. Una galería rotativa de fotografías estará en exhibición para la vista pública hasta nuevo aviso en el Hotel Puerto Viejo.
Students from the Kelley School of Business return to Caribe Sur for the third year of a partnership between the Rich Coast Project and Kelley Initiatives for Social Impact.
Join the Rich Coast Project for a presentation of videos and historic photographs from Caribe Sur, and participate in the act of keeping memory alive by sharing your stories and information.
Students from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) will join the Rich Coast Project in Puerto Viejo for a week of participatory video and photography aimed at documenting local history and culture.
Photographs from the South Caribe Roots Archive are on display at the Casa de la Cultura in Puerto Viejo.
Free photo exposition of historic photographs and opportunity to contribute written, video or audio stories and memories.
IU Media School students and members of the Caribe Sur community will join together in a story exchange on November 21. The story exchange is an exercise in which individuals are randomly paired off and each shares a story that in some way defines him or her. Afterwards, each is responsible for telling the other’s story, taking on the persona of his or her partner and telling the story in the first person.
The IU Media School will send a group of students to Puerto Viejo to assist the community in documenting its stories for the South Caribe Roots Archive.
Exchanging medicinal plants for stories about their healing powers
Intercambiando plantas medicinales para historias sobre sus poderes curativos
Participants of the inaugural IU Media School Alternative Thanksgiving Break will meet for their first pre-trip meeting.
Wolaba Parade 2016 is August 26-28 in Puerto Viejo, Limón, Costa Rica. The Casa de la Cultura and partners are planning another year of cultural events and programming to celebrate the cultural heritage of its afro-descendant residents and ancestors.
Join the IU Media School and the Rich Coast Project to learn how you can spend your Thanksgiving break helping a Costa Rican community document their stories for a local public archive.
1-3pm • Casa de la Cultura Puerto Viejo
1-3pm • Casa de la Cultura Puerto Viejo
Join the Casa de la Cultura Puerto Viejo, the Center of Documentation and Information (CNE), and the Rich Coast Project for a special event commemorating the 1991 earthquake with story sharing by those who bore witness to the day.
1-3pm • Casa de la Cultura Puerto Viejo